Friday, 31 October 2008

Ride to Rihnns of Galloway

Itinerary: Glasgow - Ayr - Girvan - Stranraer - Península de Rhinns - Glasgow
Distance: 232 miles (372 kms)
Date: 17th August 2008


The weather seemed better, way better then the previous day.
Although I woke up later than I should, I still had many hours of light as the sunset was at around 21h30m.

This time I decided to go South!

I first stopped in Ayr, a little coastal town near Prestwick's airport.

Later on, Girvan

Kept going South...

And got to the Rhinns Peninsula.

Found a nice little lighthouse that was also a hostel and a restaurant. Cheap, of course!

Here's me with my old friend MuuCow!

Found Mathilda on the way, MuuCow's girlfriend!

Got to Portpatrick, another nice little costal town!

Going South...


And finally I got to the Southernmost point of Scotland - Rhinns of Galloway's lighthouse.

Here's the lighthouse!

Took this photo short before sunset, when I still had around 120 miles in front of me to get to Glasgow by narrow, twisty roads.

Right after that photo I sat on the bike, tried to turn it on and... nothing!!
For the first time I had a mechanical problem with my bike - many miles away from the nearest mechanic, miles away from the nearest person to say the truth! Getting colder pretty fast, hungry and tired, not a good scenario!
Fortunately my mechanical skills weren't too bad and I managed to repair it.

Got to Glasgow late at night, it was raining, I was tired... but happy! :)

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